The model number of a dishwasher plays a significant role to find out the right user manual from online.
If you mistakenly lost the hard copy, you can easily find out online version for installing or solving other issues.
It also helps you to know whether you choose the latest model or the old one. That is why you must know where is the model number on a KitchenAid dishwasher?
Where is the model number on a Kitchenaid dishwasher?
The KitchenAid dishwasher model number is written on the front side inside the edge of the hood. It is a versatile brand that has a wide range of products.

All the products do not contain a model number in the same position. Different product has their model number in a different area.
If you have KitchenAid 24 Stainless Steel Dishwasher, you will find the model number front panel of the dishwasher, near the bottom.
How to find out dishwasher model number
According to the design and brand, the model number is situated in different areas. That makes you confused about where to look for.
Well, to find out a model number in the KitchenAid dishwasher follow the below steps:
As KitchenAid dishwasher model numbers are displayed behind the door, you should look at the top edge of the door inside and all the sides.
That’s all to find out the model number. You must find it within a few seconds.
What do KitchenAid dishwasher model numbers represent?
Well, KitchenAid dishwasher model numbers are displayed in a standard form that starts with a K letter.
This K indicates the brand name, and with this letter, some series of the letter is written that represents the model and manufacturing date.
Besides, the ending letter indicates the dishwasher color. Suppose your model number ends with Letter BK its means black.
How to know KitchenAid dishwasher ages?
Earlier, we mentioned that knowing the model number is essential because it helps to learn about the product’s age. So now you must want to know how? Well, it’s very simple.

As you already find out the KitchenAid dishwasher model number, simply check the 4th digit to know the manufacturing year.
An appliance that was manufactured in 1999 is represented with the letters J and K for 2000, L for 2001, M for 2002, N for 2003, and so on.
Every digit represents a particular year. After the fourth digit, you will get two numbers that indicate the manufacturing week.
For example, the model is M10; then, it indicates the dishwasher was made in the 10th week of 2002. So by following these pattern tricks, you can easily know whether you choose the latest model or an older one.
FAQs About KitchenAid Dishwasher Model Number
Are all dishwashers the same size?
All the leading brands follow a standing size chart for producing dishwashers.
So mostly, you will same similar size dishwashers that are 24W× 24D×35H inches. But some brands also made extra big dishwashers. If you need big, you can try those.
How long do KitchenAid dishwashers last?
KitchenAid dishwasher is good quality and solidly built appliances.
The average lifespan of this dishwasher is nearly 10-12 years at least. If you follow the right care and maintenance, then it will serve you for decades.
Is it worth buying an older model KitchenAid dishwasher?
Well, technology is upgraded every day. So the latest model can give you more smart features and optimal performance than the older model.
So, it is not a wise decision to choose a too much older model.
Which KitchenAid dishwasher is the best?
KitchenAid brings some brilliant dishwashers, so it is tough to mention one specific model as the best.
You can try KDFE104HPS, KDTM504EPA, etc., to get the best performance and get rid of cleaning hassle.
Can you reset a KitchenAid dishwasher?
Yes, you can reset your KitchenAid dishwasher. First, turn off the power supply for one minute and then plug in again to reset it.
Final Thought
We hope now you know where is the model number on a KitchenAid dishwasher. Besides finding dishwasher model numbers, we try to let you know about the importance of the model number.
This content will help you to choose the right dishwasher and also help you to avoid maintenance hassles.
Don’t forget to check a dishwasher model number before buying to avoid an older version. Buy the latest product to get innovative functionality.