Dishwasher salt is a substance made of pure Sodium Chloride to soften water while cleaning the dishes. Some people ask, “ can you eat dishwasher salt?”
Dishwasher salt can be a mixture of diverse chemicals. So, you must be aware of its safety before taking
This article will answer your question. You will also know how to use dishwasher salt.
Can You Eat Dishwasher Salt?
Whether you can eat dishwasher salt or not depends on the substances this salt is made of.
Most of the time, you can eat dishwasher salt in place of table salt without any problems.
However, it isn’t made, tested, or certified to be safe for food, so there could be things in it that could be dangerous or poisonous.
In a sense, it is not advisable to eat dishwasher salt if you want to avoid mere health problems like diarrhea, bloating, upset stomach, etc.
Comparison Between Dishwasher Salt And Table Salt
Both dishwasher salt and table salt are made up of the chemical NaCl. Both of them have both sodium and chloride in them.
Before it gets to your kitchen, table salt is put through several tests. But the same thing doesn’t work for the salt in the dishwasher. It hasn’t been tested or approved for people to eat.
But it is 90% NaCl, which is the same thing as table salt. Dishwasher salt might have toxic substances in it that haven’t been tested or cleaned.
You don’t have any reason to put them on your stomach.
Also, they cost more than regular salt. Iodine is one of the most important parts of table salt, but it is not in dishwasher salt.
Iodine is very important for your bones to grow in the right way.
Dishwasher salt can be dangerous to your health, so it’s best to stay away from it and use regular salt for food instead.
How To Use Dishwasher Salt?
Find The Salt Reservoir In Your Dishwasher.
Most dishwashers have a unit that softens the water and the salt tank inside, under the bottom rack.
Most of the time, the reservoir will be off to the side, usually to the left, and will be covered by a screw cap.
Take Out The Bottom Shelf.
Pull the bottom rack all the way out so you can get to the salt container. If you need to, you can lift the rack off of its rollers.
Take Off The Cap On The Salt
The top of your salt tank will be a screw cap.
Follow the arrows on top to figure out how to take off the cap. If there are no arrows, try turning it the opposite way of the clock (left).
Grab A Funnel For Your Salt
Your dishwasher should come with a salt funnel to keep the inside of the machine from getting salty and to help you avoid wasting salt.
If you don’t have a funnel, you can buy one on sites like Amazon. There are funnels for different brands of dishwashers
Get The Salt For The Dishwasher.
You should only use dishwasher salt in your dishwasher. Regular table salt won’t help and could clog the machine.
Put Salt In The Water Tank.
You can put the funnel into the salt reservoir, but I’d suggest holding the funnel above the reservoir so the neck doesn’t get wet.
This will keep the salt from clumping up when it pours.
Pour salt into the funnel until the salt reservoir is about 1 cm from the top. As you do this, you can expect some water to spill over.
Screw The Salt Cap On Tight.
So that nothing else can get into the water softening unit of your dishwasher, make sure that the salt cap is tight.
Turn the cap in the direction of the arrows on it, or try turning it clockwise (to the right) to tighten it.
Replace The Bottom Dish Rack.
Place the lower dish rack back on its rollers to hide the salt container.
FAQs About Dishwasher Salt
Is Dishwasher Salt Toxic?
Dishwasher salt is as safe as table salt. However, less than a tablespoon of salt can seriously harm a newborn and even cause death.
Because salt affects the body’s ion balance. Dishwasher salt is not food grade and may contain hazardous components that are not tested or filtered.
What Is The Approximate Longevity Of Dishwasher Salt?
1 kg of salt in the dispenser can last up to 50 days if used for personal purposes (every two days).
A lot relies on the dishwasher’s overall capacity. If it has numerous shelves and racks, it will dispense extra salt even if you only wash a few dishes.
So, the preceding calculation of 1 kg salt lasting 50 days is for a medium-sized dishwasher.
The usage of dishwashing salt increases with dishwasher capacity.
How Often Should I Use Dishwasher Salt In My Dishwasher?
The more cycles you run the dishwasher, the more salt it uses.
So, if you use it for personal use, only salt it once a month.
If you use one commercial application, you may need to replenish the salt every week.
Final Thoughts
Hope you are satisfied with the answer to the question, “ can you eat dishwasher salt?” though the toxicity of dishwashers is not proven, you should avoid it for the sake of safety.
Know the difference between your regular salt and dishwasher salt to use them in a proper way. It will further help you to run your dishwasher more effectively.